Fandom Links

Links to other places we hold dear! 😍

Other Adam Nagaitis Friends Online 🎉

Blazing Adam (YouTube) – This was one of Adam’s OG fans! 

Adam Nagaitis Source– Screencaps, news and more!

Adam Nagaitis Memes on Instagram and also on Twitter!

Cilli’s Channel on YouTube – BIG THANKS for sharing some of Adam’s radio performances with us! 

Grem’s Adam Nagaitis Stickers– Hand drawn fan art made into stickers and a keychain! You’ll find Buckley, Branwell, Conductor Jimmy, Virgil, Vasily, and OF COURSE Cornelius Hickey!

The Terror-Themed Places ❄️

The Cold Boys Fandom Hub – Resource for all things concerning The Terror series! This site is packed with pictures, interviews and special fandom treats. If you loved The Terror and want to immerse yourself even further into its icy depths, this site is a MUST!

Terror Camp – Annual event that is part fan convention and part academic conference. This is an online event that features presentations by fans, actors, showrunners and more. Best thing is YOU can get involved and propose a presentation. Visit the site and register to attend!

Terror Stitching – Terror-inspired stitching projects to take part in with other Terror fans! At the time we added this link they were working on the ‘Hickey Stitching project. 👌

Adjacent Themes and Interests – This site is all about the REAL James Fitzjames, the actual man behind the popular character from The Terror season one. Fitzjames led one hell of an interesting life, and Fabiënne is extending the research into this fascinating man and bringing him to life through his letters and a new biography. Can’t wait until this biography comes out so I can snag a copy!

Co-Star Sites! 🤩

Martin Freeman Friends (The Responder)

A Freemaniac  – From Middle-earth to Baker Street! Fan blog Martin Freeman

FreeMartinis – By and for fans of Martin Freeman

In Safe Distance from Being Smart – All about Martin Freeman! 

GIFverse of Martin Freeman – The name says it all! Find your fave Freeman gif today!