IceNChrome’s Episode Three Reactions

Hey friends! Already up to ep 3?! I see BritBox has this season in six episodes instead of five like BBC. Well, no wonder I thought my screencaps weren’t matching up with what I had previously. Maybe they wanted the episodes to be all the same length. Maybe they just wanted an even number of them. I sure don’t know, just glad to have them!

Good grief, Franny, what language are you texting in? Oops, that’s right. We’re in Liverpool.

Our scary little man is back this week to be a pain in Chris’s backside. He still wants his 15k. Better be glad he’s not charging interest. Chris does him one better and brings him about 20k in drugs. He even refused Franny’s offer to give him 5k back! Our little dealer-darling is very confused about this, because Lord knows he’d snatch every bit he was entitled to, including the lint in your pocket if he deemed it his too.

Chris just wants enough to pay his dad back…and for Debs to get him a day job. Ray told Kate Chris lied about having a day job, which means she’s going to move Tilly to London with her. Chris will do anything to keep that from happening. Franny promises Chris he can deliver anything, but of course Chris will have to have another adventure in the wilds of Liverpool.

I have to say, Chris’s dad is one BIG asshole. No wonder Chris is on the struggle bus all the time. He sure can pull it together in front of his granddaughter though. “Your dad knows where the money is…” Sir, stop throwing shade that sharp around. There is a child present.

Poor Chris barely escapes with his head on straight from good ‘ole dad’s house, and Franny’s back at him with the Big Adventure that will hopefully land him that a day job. Go talk to two old ladies and find out where some dude named Vernon Hartley is? No problem. Chris is worried about Vernon Hartley winding up dead, if he’s got something Franny wants. Think you might be on to something there Chris.

So, is it just me, or does Franny have the sweetest, softest voice? If you listen close though, there’s that hint of scary vibe in there. Also, besides being a drug dealer and a mean little shit, he also seems to take a lot of pride in his ‘public’ profession. Wonder how much he charges for his plastering jobs? Bet it ain’t cheap!

Chris goes to visit the two old ladies to find out where Vernon Hartley is and what in the Miss Havisham kind of place do these two nutty old gals live in?? Franny said that getting any sense out of them is futile if they’re not wanting to give up information. Boy was he right about that! How does Franny know these two? Were they two of his customers? Maybe frequent customers? TOO frequent? One look at their house tells you they didn’t have Franny in to remodel their house. Where’s Vernon? Who’s Vernon? What’s he got that Franny wants? Maybe Vernon is one of their cats? In this show you get one answer and end up with five more questions.

Also, DAMN is Ray ever a nosy mo’fo. Hasn’t he already made Chris’s life hard enough? Now he’s got to go and start researching and poking into Debs ties to Franny. Leave all of it alone, Ray. Go find a hobby, bro.

Thanks to Ray’s interference, Debs had to retract her job offer. Chris left the crazy cat ladies in their crazy cat lady house, and washed his hands of it, then resigned himself to breaking the news to Kate that the job fell through. While he was rehearsing how to do this, Franny is back asking why he wasn’t doing the Vernon thing. Franny’s not happy to hear that Chris quit on the whole situation, and he threatens to do it himself and whatever happens, happens.

We’ve already figured out that Franny isn’t the most patient fellow. He texts some of his guys to go out and make the two old nutty ladies talk no matter what it takes. That doesn’t sound good for them at all. Somebody is about to have a bad day.

In this episode I’m also picking up on the contrast between drug dealer Franny and drug dealer wannabe Casey. Franny is next level serious. Casey doesn’t seem to fully comprehend the kind of shit she gets into, or the types of things she’d have to bring herself to do. Watching Franny look at his reflection in the mirror, I wonder if he can even fully turn it off. Like Chris though, Franny has a huge motivator in his child. Also, like Chris, he’ll do anything for his kid. Both are doing bad shit for good reasons. I read an article that Franny is Chris’s mirror in many ways. That really became clear for me in this episode.

AND, since Britbox has strangely cut the episodes to create six from five, so we are now halfway through! I keep fighting the urge to binge all the rest of them. Here’s to next week and episode 4!
